Information and disclosure according to § 25 MedienG, §5 (1) ECG § 63 GewO and § 14 UGB

Website operator: Georg Traugott GmbH
Company register number: 195777h
Commercial register court: Provincial court A-6020 Innsbruck

Adress: Feldstraße 1, 6020, Innsbruck, Austria

Sales tax identification number: ATU 49319107

Contact details:
Phone: +43 0512291266
Fax: +43 0512291266 30

Applicable legislation:

Online Dispute Resolution: Consumers with a place of business in Austria or another contracting state of the ODR Regulation, have the possibility to use the online dispute resolution of the European Commission via the following platform in case of problems regarding the purchase of goods or services against payment

Copyright: The content made available on this website is subject to various protective rights (e.g. copyright) as far as this is legally possible. Any use or distribution of the material provided requires the written consent of the website operator.

Disclaimer: The operator of this website has checked and selected all content and outgoing links with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, no liability is assumed for the content of external websites. The respective operator is solely responsible for this content. In the event that you become aware of outgoing links that refer to a page with illegal activity or illegal content, we request that you notify us at the above email address so that we can remove the content in question immediately in accordance with § 17 (2) ECG.
The copyright of third parties is observed by the operator of this website with the utmost care. Should you become aware of a copyright infringement, we also request that you inform us accordingly. Upon becoming aware of such infringements, the website operator will remove the affected content immediately.

Source: Imprint generator by